Wattle Seed Pavlova with Davidson Plum Sorbet
750 gms egg whites
1450 gms castor sugar
30 lemon juice
15 gms cornflour
Whisk to very stiff
2lt cream
200ml wattle seed essence
to make essence
- boil ground roasted wattleseed with 2 parts water and a little sugar for 20 minutes
100 gm castor sugar
50 gms crushed roast macadamia nuts
5gm cinnamon
mix these ingredients dry
Whisk egg whites in machine until fluffy, add sugar, cornflour and lemon juice and continue whisking until very stiff and silky white.
Spread meringue on silicon paper or baking sheet about 1cm thick, this quantity makes a 'sheet about 30cm by 45 cm, sprinkle with 'crust' and bake for 25 minutes at 200c.
Whisk cream and wattle seed essence until medium peak and spread evenly at 1 cm thick over baked meringue sheet, which has been turned over 'flipped' onto a clean tea towel and baking paper removed.
Roll up meringue and cream from narrow side like a Swiss roll.
Apply pressure to log to remove air pockets and twist end tight.
Refrigerate for 2 hours to set.
To serve unwrap and slice about 3 to 4 cm thick and place on plate - serve with fruit coulis or sorbet, a tuille or almond/macadamia bread.


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