See Stars! Carambola
Star fruit, or "five corners", are other names for this juicy, refreshing fruit. It is green-yellow, about three to six inches long, and has five distinct, lengthwise ridges.The thin, waxy skin is edible, and sliced thinly, carambola is a good addition to a fruit or green salad.
If you have a carambola tree, freeze the juice for use in smoothies, ice tea, tropical drinks, salad dressing, sorbet, and marinade. When purchasing star fruit, select those without brown spots. If the carambola ribs show a brown line, remove them before slicing to eliminate the fruit's oxalic acid and to give it a sweeter taste. Carambola Tips: Make stars by slicing the fruit crosswise into 1/4-inch pieces; add two cups of star fruit slices to salsa;use star fruit for chutney; grill star fruit slices on skewers with shrimp or chicken; make star fruit pickles.


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