Because papaya dates from prehistoric times, there are dozens of varieties. Some
are tiny while others are the size of a watermelon. In addition to being popular
as a breakfast fruit and in salads, papaya's coolness and bland flavor in salsas
complement spicy food. Papaya pulp is a good addition to a marinade because its
beneficial enzyme, papain, is a meat tenderizer. This fact accounts for its
unsuitability with commercial gelatin which have a protein(animal) base. Papaya,
pineapple, and kiwi will not congeal.
Papaya tips
Green papaya ripens at room temperature in about 3-5 days. Ripe papaya can be
refrigerated for a week. Green papaya can be used in salsa and added to stews or
soups like a vegetable. Papaya seeds are peppery and can be pulverized for salad
dressing and marinade. Add a slice of lemon or lime to a papaya half at
breakfast or lunch to enhance the papaya flavor. For dessert, add a dip of
sorbet to a papaya half. Cubes of papaya, fresh pineapple,and mango can be
slightly warmed as a wonderful accompaniment for fish or poultry.