No Longer Forbidden! Breadfruit
Did you know that Captain Bligh's cargo on the Bounty was1,015 breadfruit plants
growing in tubs? Needless to say, he had to return to Tahiti in August 1791 to
gather more breadfruit plants which he successfully delivered to Jamaica.
The breadfruit tree is a beautiful tree about sixty feet tall with lobed leaves
one to three feet long. Hawaiian quilt and jewelry designs are often patterned
from the leaves and fruit of the tree. Breadfruit does not travel well, and it
would be unusual to find it in a store outside the tropics. The fruit is green,
round oroblong, and about 8 inches in diameter. It has a thin, rough rind which
turns green-brown to yellow as the fruit ripens. Despite its name, breadfruit is
not used in making bread. It is used like a potato in stews, whipped, and diced,
and in a salad resembling potato salad.