Luscious Lychee (Litchi chinensis)
The world's most romantic fruit, lychee, has been enjoyed in the Orient for over 2,000 years. In fact, the first fruit culture book, written in 1056, was about lychee. Want to win your lady's heart? You might try giving her fresh lychees like T'ang Emperor Hsuan Tsung (A.D. 712-756). He organized a "pony express" to carry fresh lychees from tropical south China to the northern court for Lady Yang Kuei Fei.
Lychee's fragrant, sweet, juicy flavor is memorable. Fresh lychees are oval, about an inch in size, with a brittle, red peel. Do not bite through the inedible, reddish shell. It peels easily revealing the fruit's pearly white, translucent flesh which surrounds a brown, inedible seed. Lychees grow in clusters on thirty to fifty foot trees which are sensitive to drought, frost, and wind.
Don't confuse "lychee nut" with fresh lychee. Lychee nuts are dried lychee and resemble a raisin. The dried fruit has a smoky taste and is crunchy. Canned lychees, however, do resemble fresh lychee and can be used successfully in recipes.
Lychee Tips
Red fruit is fresh. Select the heaviest and fullest fruit with stems. Lychee keeps 2 weeks when refrigerated and about 6 months frozen. Freeze lychee unpeeled, with a small part of the stem intact for a seal. Store in freezer bags or freezer containers. Occasionally, the lychee shell cracks during freezing, but the fruit's flavor and texture remain good. Defrost before peeling.
The popular use for lychee, fresh or canned, in Honolulu is as an appetizer. We stuff lychees with low-fat cream cheese and top with crushed nuts. Lychee is exquisite in a fresh fruit salad with pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and banana. Even canned lychee are good in a fresh fruit salad. Lychee on ice cream with chocolate sauce is absolutely decadent. A lychee stuffed with a fresh or frozen raspberry turns a glass of sparkling wine or champagne into a festive drink. Lychees are truly a "class act".
Hail the Hairy Lychee, A Rambutan
This luscious fruit is slightly larger than a lychee, about thesize of an apricot, and has sweet, translucent flesh. Rambutanhas soft spines which can be green, red, pink, or yellow. Selectbrightly colored fruit with fleshy spines because the rambutandarkens with age. Peel rambutan and use the fruit in salad, fordessert toppings, and as a sauce for chicken and seafood dishes.


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