Blue Corn Tamale Pie
Red chili sauce (recipe precedes)
Blue corn crust (recipe follows)
3 cups (3/4 lb.) shredded cheddar cheese
Sour cream

Pour red chili sauce into a 10-to 12-inch frying pan. Simmer, uncovered, until reduced to 2 1/2 cups; stir often. If made ahead, coverand chill up to 3 days.
Spoon chili sauce into corn crust. Bake, uncovered, in a 350| oven until very hot in center, about 10 minutes if sauce and crust are hot, 20 minutes if cold. Sprinkle sauce with cheese and bake until cheese melts, about 10 minutes longer. Spoon sour cream ontoservings. Serves 6.
Blue corn crust. In a 3-to 4-quart pan, combine 1 1/2 cups blue cornmeal for tortillas and 3 1/2 cups regular-strength chicken broth.
Stirring, bring to a boil over high heat and cook until mixture is very thick, 10 to 12 minutes. At once, spread mixture evenly over bottom and 1 inch up sides of a shallow, ungreased 3-quart casserole. Use hot or at room temperature.


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