Sushi Rice
1 cup short grain rice
2 cups water

Cook rice till done (bring to boil, then simmer, covered for 20 minutes).
While rice is cooking, combine in a small saucepan: 3 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1-2 tablespoons sugar (depending on how sweet you like the rice), and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Heat till sugar is completely dissolved.
When the rice is done and still hot, put it in a large bowl. Slowly drizzle the vinegar mixture over the rice while gently stirring it. Once you've poured in the vinegar (and have a free hand), fan the rice with some newspaper while stirring to help it cool more quickly. Keep stirring and fanning till the rice is at room temperature. It should be perfect sushi-stickiness.
To make sushi, place a seaweed wrapper on a bamboo mat or some foil. Wet your hands thoroughly, and pat rice onto the seaweed. The rice should be about 1/2" thick. Cover the wrapper completely except for a little space at the ends. Add your fillings, and roll, pressing tightly so that it maintains a cylindrical shape. Cut in 1" rounds and ENJOY!


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