Quick VLF Vegan Sukiyaki
1 15 oz can sukiyaki no tomo (drained, 8.8 oz)
1 10.6 oz package Mori-Nu Lite tofu (or any low fat tofu)
1 C green onions, cut into 2" (5 cm) lengths
1 C celery, cut diagonally into 3/4" (2 cm) pieces
1 C chinese cabbage, bok choy, or green cabbage
1/4 C salt-reduced shoyu / soy sauce / tamari
2 T mirin or sake
1/2 C sugar (if using mirin, reduce to 1/3 C)

In a large non-stick pan, saute green onions and celery in soy sauce and mirin. Add cabbage and when getting limp, add all other ingredients. Cook about 3 minutes. Don't overcook! Serve with brown rice. Serves 2.
Any green vegetables can be added to this dish. For best results, nuke or steam them about 90% done before adding, then gently stir them into the sukiyaki for the last 3 minutes.

Note: I do not know what VLF stands for. It sounds like very low fat, perhaps.


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