Pimentos Rellenos De Bacalo (Salt Cod Stuffed Peppers)
Serves 4 to 6
200g bacalo/salt cod (unsoaked weight)
2 to 3 cloves garlic, crushed
handful chopped parsley
14oz tin red peppers (or fresh roasted peppers)
2 to 3 tbsp olive oil

Soak the salt cod over night, changing the water frequently. Flake the rehydrated cod. Briefly fry the garlic, parsley and salt cod in the oil, adding some of the juices from the peppers. Mix the ingredients well in the pan, and then stuff the peppers. Can be warmed in a warm oven
Note: A good sauce to accompany these can be made by quickly frying a little garlic in olive oil, adding fresh parsley and then the juice from the roasted/tinned peppers, a little of the stuffing mixture can also be stirred in to thicken the sauce.


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