Olive Garden's Zuppa Inglese Italian Sponge Cake
Cake Assembly Ingredients
1 Sponge Cake
1/4 to 1/2 c Rosolio
1/4 c Rum
1/4 c Italian Brandy
Vanilla Cream Filling
Chocolate Cream Filling
Whipped Cream
Unsweetened Chocolate, grated
To assemble cake: Cut sponge cake into three layers, through the side.
Place middle layer of the cake on serving dish and sprinkle with Italian Brandy.
Spread half of the vanilla cream onto cake.
Place second layer of cake crust side down on top of vanilla cream and sprinkle with Rosolio.
Spread half of the chocolate cream on top of cake.
Place third layer of cake crust side down on top of chocolate cream.
Cover top of cake with vanilla cream.
Cover the sides of the cake with chocolate cream.
Decorate with whipped cream and sprinkle top with unsweetened chocolate.
Refrigerate until serving.

Vanilla Cream Filling
1/2 c Sugar
2 T Cornstarch
1/8 t Salt
1/2 c Cold Milk
1 1/2 c Scalded Milk
3 Eggs, slightly beaten
2 t Vanilla
Combine sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan.
Gradually add cold milk, stirring well. Slowly stir in the scalded milk stirring constantly. Rapidly bring mixture to a boil over direct hear and cook 3 minutes.
Pour into top of a double boiler and place over simmering water.
Cover and cook about 12 minutes, stirring 3 or 4 times.
Vigorously stir about 3 T of hot mixture into eggs.
Immediately blend into mixture double boiler.
Cook over simmering water 3 to 5 minutes.
Stir slowly so mixture cooks evenly.
Remove from heat and cool.
Stir in vanilla and chill until you're ready to assemble cake.
Chocolate Cream Filling
1 1/2 oz Unsweetened Chocolate
2/3 c Sugar
2 T Cornstarch
1/8 t Salt
1/2 c Cold Milk
1 1/2 c Scalded Milk
3 Eggs, slightly beaten
1 t Vanilla
Follow directions for vanilla cream except add unsweetened chocolate to 1 1/2 c of milk before scalding.
Whipped Cream
2 c Whipping Cream, chilled
6 T Powdered Sugar
2 t Vanilla
Beat whipping cream, 1 cup at a time, in a chilled 1 qt bowl using beaters.
Beat until cream stands in peaks.
Put whipped cream into a large chilled bowl.
Fold or beat powdered sugar and vanilla into whipped cream until blended.


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