Fried Chicken Balls
1/2 lg Onion; chopped
1 c Water
1 c Finely chopped uncooked .. chicken
1 tb Sugar
1 1/2 tb Sweet rice wine
1 tb Sherry
1 1/2 ts Sugar
2 tb Soy sauce
1 Egg
2 tb Oil
3 1/2 tb Water
1 1/2 tb Sherry

Soak onion in water for 10 minutes; squeeze out moisture.
1. Combine onion, chicken, sugar, rice wine, 1 tablespoon soy sauce and egg. Roll into bite sized balls.
2. Heat oil in pan. Add chicken balls and brown on all sides.
3. Combine water, sherry and remaining soy sauce. Pour over chicken balls and cook until the liquid is almost evaporated. Serve.


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