Chicken Breasts & Zucchini with Garlic Cream
1/4 c Butter
3 Skinless boneless chicken breasts; halved
3 c Zucchini; sliced 1/8" thick
1/3 c Green onions; sliced 1/4" thick
2 tb Butter
1/2 ts Minced fresh garlic
3 tb Flour
3 oz Cream cheese
1 c Chicken broth
1/2 ts Pepper
Cooked Rice

In 10" skillet, melt butter until sizzling, add chicken breasts. Cook over medium heat, turning once, until chicken is browned and fork tender. Add zucchini and onions. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until zucchini is crisply tender, 5-7 minutes.
Meanwhile, in saucepan, melt 2 Tb butter. Add flour; continue cooking until bubbly. Add remaining garlic cream ingredients except rice. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until sauce is thickened. Serve zucchini and chicken over rice; pour sauce over chicken.


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