
makes 12

100g white flour
35g dark brown sugar
50g white sugar
2/3 tsp baking powder
koshian (smooth bean paste) 300-400g

Break up any chunks in the brown sugar, and mix with 1 TBSP water and the white sugar in a small saucepan. Heat on low until sugar is melted, let cool.
Mix baking powder with 2/3 tsp water, then add to the sugar mixture.
Sift flour then add to the liquid. Knead into a log (using more flour if needed), divide into 12 pieces.
Make 12 little balls with the koshian. Take each piece of dough and stretch it out, put a ball of koshian in the middle and wrap it into a ball shape. Put each ball on a piece of 1"/3cm square wax paper.
Steam in a steamer lined with a dishcloth for 12-15minutes over boiling water.


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