Broccoli and Tofu In Spicy Almond Sauce
1/2 c hot water
1/2 c almond butter (original recipe was for peanut butter - I use almond cause I'm allergic to peanut)
1/4 c cider vinegar
2 T tamari sauce
2 T blackstrap molasses
1/4 c cayenne (this is a HUGE amount - I use 1-2 tsp.)

1 lb broccoli
2 tsp ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 lb tofu, cubed
2 c onion, thinly sliced
1 c chopped cashews
2-3 T tamari sauce
2 minced scallions

Sauce: In small saucepan, whisk together almond butter and hot water until you have a uniform mixture. Whisk in remaining sauce ingredients and set aside.
Saute: Stir-fry half the ginger and half the garlic in 1 T. oil. Add tofu chunks, stir-fry for 5-8 minutes. Mix with sauce. Wipe wok clean, saute remaining ginger & garlic in 2 T. oil. Add onions and fresh pepper, saute for about 5 min. Add chopped broccoli, cashews and tamari; stir-fry until broccoli is bright green. Toss saute with sauce, mixing in the minced scallions as you toss. Serve over rice.


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