Baked Chicken Breasts with Goat Cheese
Executive Chef OnJin Kim, owner of OnJin’s Café
4 (6 oz size) boneless, skinless
chicken breasts
6 oz goat cheese
2 oz Prosciutto ham, diced
2 tablespoons chopped sun-dried
4 teaspoons chopped fresh basil
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon chopped shallots
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons unsalted butter,
cut in pieces
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Salt and white pepper to taste

Preheat electric oven to 350ºF. Pound chicken breasts to flatten slightly. Combine cheese, ham, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. Top each chicken breast with a portion of cheese mixture. Fold sides in and roll lengthwise like a jellyroll; tie with string. In a skillet, heat olive oil. Dredge chicken breasts in flour and lightly brown in oil. Place in oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until done. In a saucepan, combine shallots and wine; cook on medium-high heat until liquid is evaporated. Add chicken broth and continue to cook until mixture is reduced to half. Add cream and continue to reduce until sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat and whisk in butter, a little at a time. Whisk in mustard; season with salt and pepper. To serve, cut chicken into 1/4-inch slices. Serve with sauce. Makes 4 servings.


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