12 Stuffed Eggplant (Halves)
6 medium eggplants
1 pound small shrimp
1 pound white lump crab meat
4 bell peppers
4 medium onions
1/2 cup parsley
3 pods garlic
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup celery
bread crumbs

Boil eggplants until soft; then dig out meat. Save eggplant shells. While you are doing this, fry bell peppers, onion, celery, and garlic together until limp, then add eggplant meat. Let smother on medium fire till most water is cooked out, then add shrimp. Cook for another 20 minutes, then put all of this in another bowl and fold in crab meat and parsley. Let cool a little, and add enough bread crumbs to be firm enough to stuff shells. Sprinkle a little bread crumbs on top and paprika. Then sprinkle a little oil or oleo on top. Bake till done or brown in 350F oven.


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