The Ankle
You will want to switch colors here unless you choose to do the bootie in one color only.
The next row incorporates the Treble Crochet stitch which I've described below.
Treble Crochet
Yarn over twice, insert hook in stitch or space as indicated by pattern instructions, draw up a loop, (yarn over, draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times to complete the stitch.
Row 1
Chain 3.
DC in next stitch.
Treble Crochet in next stitch but take it down a row first so you put the needle into the second loop past the chain.
Then back up to the last row and DC 2 more stitches followed by the Treble in the lower row.
See Finished bootie.
Repeat this pattern until you reach the last stitch which should be a Treble. In this row only you will have to add this stitch by inserting it into the remaining space near the chain. This will give you 39 stitches in the row. It�s important to the pattern that this row is divisible by 3. If you change the length of your original sole chain you may or may not have to do this stitch here.
Row 2
Chain 3.
DC 38 stitches, join to chain.
Row 3
Repeat row 2 but this time be sure to work the stitches in the back loop leaving the clearly visible line of outside loops.
Row 4
You will want to switch colors here back to the same color you used for the foot part.
Chain 3.
DC in next stitch.
Treble Crochet in next stitch but take it down a row first so you put the needle into the second loop past the chain.
Continue to the end, join.
Row 5
Chain 3.
DC 38 stitches, join to chain.
Row 6
Chain 3.
DC 38 stitches, join to chain.
Tie off and work ends into inside of bootie.
All that is left is to use the black to chain 100 stitches. Tie off the end with a loop.
Use that loop to thread it though the treble stitches you did in the first row of the ankle.
Tie loosely in a bow and you are finished.