I took this when we went to visit Uncle Benny in Saratoga. I'm not sure if we were living in Argyle then or still in Kingsbury but I felt they should all be together.
Rita. I'm not sure if the child is her's or one of the other kids.
Sue told me that Uncle Benny had three boys, Benny, David and Artie, and there girls, Vivian, Christine and Rita. I don't know who married or whom they married or how many kids they each had.
I think its one of the boys. It was definitely taken at this time because that is the child Rita is holding in the first picture.
Uncle Benny
The child walking in the wooded path to where a group of the trailers were. The land was theirs and they put trailers in to give their children and their families places to live.
The little dog is playing in one of those Saratoga sand hills I've spoken about on here somewhere. Those slim stick like plants are the things we always called snake grass.
Aunt Jeannette and Mom.
Aunt Jeannette is hulling the wild strawberries the kids picked.
Yes, they had livestock, too. At least they had this horse and the dog and some cats. I don't know what else.