This is that big hill beyond the shower area. There is a car park at the top and a few metal benches where people can sit and watch the sea. When there was a fireworks event this hill would be covered with families on blankets with picnic hampers. We weren't allowed on the beach itself because the fireworks were set up there. The lake would be filled with boats of people watching it despite being told to keep their distance.

There were some extravagant displays here because there was a fireworks factory a few miles out of town from us called Ace Fireworks.

That gull is not from here  at the beach. We found him at another place in Conneaut where they had exercise equipment and tracks for people to jog around on. They told me this was an inland gull.

I took that of the beach one day.

We had a another scary time here but it had not much to do with the water. Tommy had a young boy for a friend. I'm not sure if they met here at the beach or in school. The boy was about 2 years older than Tommy and he was black. He lived with his grandma in town. I would often take him with us when we went to the beach.

One day, they were in the water with some other little kids and they were all having fun. Some bigger boys came along and started yelling at them to get out the water because that was their place. I'm not sure if this was a racial thing aimed at the black boy or if they were just mean nasty kids.

A rock came flying and hit the little boy in the forehead. I was terrified and I was angry. I don't know which was the worst. I got my bunch of kids out of the water and I was screaming at those mean boys fiercely. They took off down the beach.

I got my kids to the beach house where someone checked out the little boys head and called the cops. The cops couldn't do anything because not only were the boys long gone but nobody knew who there were or if they did were too afraid to talk.  We still took the little boy to the beach with us but we were never bothered by them again.


