Edie (me)
You can usually tell the booth photos because of the background
The only pair of glasses I ever had that I liked.
They were also the first pair of what they then called "photo greys" that I had ever worn. I have never found this shape again but I do like metal frames. These were also silver colored. They just seemed to fit my face right.
The braids were a little thicker then than they are now, but I still sometimes wear my hair that way. As then, I still don't need to put anything on them to hold them together because the natural curl does it for me. What I have on there is another treasure I have lost over time. They were a cheap metal with a dark blue glass stone in the center. I wore them almost everywhere.
It's me but the hair I don't recognize. In later years I would own wigs but I somehow don't think I had one there. Not that it isn't possible because anything is possible.
That was a goofy hat but I liked it. I could hide under it.
Another booth photo. The chain around my neck has a watch on it and a mechanical pencil. The spot on the side of my head above my glasses is not a negative spot or a spot on the photo. Its another pencil stuck over my ear. I almost always had one there. I just forgot it was there.