I took this one winter day and I loved it so much I blew it up into a huge photo and tacked it to my wall.

I think both of those are school photos of Sue.

I think this is from Kingsbury. I don't ever remember taking black and white at Argyle

You never told our Mom to go fly a kite because she would do just that and enjoy herself while doing it.

I don't think I put this on these pages, yet. This is Enid's Senior yearbook photo. She was the first in our family to refuse to go to graduation.

A lot of times, Sue and I would go into Glens Falls and feed quarters into the photo booth at Woolworth's. Sometimes we had lunch there, too. They had good food and it didn't cost a lot either.

Once or twice while I worked at Jupiter's I would go down the street to Dolan Drug Store. They made good sandwiches and I think they had booths you could sit in while you ate. I remember getting cream cheese sandwiches with olives or pineapple in them. They put an enormous amount of cream cheese. I was shocked the first time I got one because if Mom made us sandwiches, no matter what she was spreading, it was always just a thin coating in order that she would have enough for all of us.

These smaller photos are old ones I scanned at the college and I either didn't scan them in big enough or they shrunk. Don't think they wouldn't shrink because there was a time when if you put anything in a zip file it permanently shrunk the image. Thank goodness software has improved.

Dad leaning on his counter, smoking a cigarette as he always did. He told us once he learned to smoke when he was seven years old. That's the old coal or wood stove that heated the whole house. It moved with us to Argyle and was still there when Sue moved out.

Me holding Foxy.

I think in the background behind Dad is an aluminum storage cupboard we used for groceries. The shadow above that is the stairs leading up to the attic. I liked to sit on them backwards and use the step ahead of me to lay my books on while I wrote. One day Uncle Guy came to visit and he called me a name for sitting up there. I was dangling my legs down of course and that's all he could see. I'm trying to think of the word he called me. Barbarian is what comes to mind but I think that's wrong.

Directly behind me is the door to outside. Between the door and the stove pipe along that far wall is an electric outlet. One day I plugged the corn popper into it and the socked burst into flames. I didn't even stopped to think I might get electrocuted. I just yanked the cord out and she stuffed a cloth there and it was out. We didn't use it again till Dad took out the fuses while he took it apart and changed out the fixture.

To the left of the scene is where the bedroom was that all of us girls shared. We had three sets of bunk beds in there at one time and at least two dressers.


