Baby Helen.

Millie coming in the house. The house was always a jumble as there just wasn't any place to store things.

I used to dream of someday having a huge house with lots of rooms so I would always have a place to keep things.

When we were little we played a game about what our future homes would look like. I'm eternally grateful I did not get the home I planned back then.

I could never have kept up with cleaning such a large place as I had envisioned. Then, too, there were the huge pink roses I wanted on all the walls. They would have been hideous.

Millie with Dad in the background

Notice that window to the right of Millie.

One day we had a huge wind storm. Mom said it was the tail end of a hurricane. It rained and there was lightening I think.

Mom suddenly noticed the window was closed and she'd read somewhere that a window should be left open. (Now, they say this idea is pointless) I ran over to close it. That stand wasn't there then. I had my hands on the sides of window when the huge maple tree on this side of the house crashed to the ground. I wasn't hurt but I was pushed backward by the force. Part of the tree had even pushed in through the now open window. I landed on my butt on the floor still holding the window that didn't break. That was another big mess to clean up.

Millie stayed with us and slept here while Allen was away.



I asked Sue the other day why she and Enid were kissing him.

She said I should have noticed the money in her hand.

I think he gave them a dollar for a kiss.


Allan and Foxy

Mom and Millie. I think she got married in this dress.

I don't remember the wedding.

It probably was just them and Mom and Dad.

I think I'd remember more if I'd been there but maybe not.

I always hated parties and all that stuff.

When I was 16 someone, maybe the church was giving a party of sorts for Jimmy Dingman whose birthday it was too. Mimi came to get me because it was my birthday too. I hid in the attic and refused to come down. Mom was embarrassed but I refused to go.

A color one of Millie showing the back of Allan's jacket.


