Some other photos I took in Hawaii which I just got back today.

I have no idea what that is.

This is it too.

That looked a lot like ......

Is is crepe myrtle maybe?

You look close you can see what looks like a red headed woodpecker. Most of these were taken with a little Vivitar. The really good ones I took with someone else's expensive camera, tripod, the whole works with him standing over me telling me what to do. On my own I had to rely on what I could afford.

The Hong Wan Gi temple or school. I probably messed up the title, too. Once a month they held a dance here, I think it was called a Bon dance. They blared the music most of the night. I lived less than three houses away from it. It's a school too.

I could sit on my porchlet and look down at the kids in class. It was so weird. At the end of the day, each child stood up and took a dust pan and brush from his or her desk. The area around where they sat was carefully cleaned. Both the desk and the chair were wiped down with a damp paper towel. Only after all that was done were they allowed to leave.

I think that's a flame tree.


