I think he's trying to perform a tribal dance there, probably called "The Pooping Crane Dance."

Those outfits just looked so cute on him. If I'd had the time I could have made more and sold them to the other mothers.






I don't know how they screwed up but they did. Before I was admitted to the hospital, I filled out the forms. On them I had put, with the agreement of my doctor, that I wanted a tubal done. I knew we could never afford another child and I wasn't sure if I could anyway. It just seemed right to have it done while the army would pay for it.

However, with everything else they "forgot" to do it. I had to go back a month later to have it done. I already had a scar so they just reopened me and did it. Afterwards I asked if they really did it. They told me they had cut, burned and tied them.

They also put staples in me this time.

I wasn't fully out of it all and I was in the surgical ward. I had to pee so bad. I tried to get up but I couldn't yet. A male orderly brought in a bed pan but I just couldn't stay awake long enough to do it.

Finally, with his help he got me and my IV out of bed and into the toilet. It was so embarrassing. A male stranger helping me in the toilet! I didn't have panties on, yet, so at least I didn't have to go through that humiliation.

He handed me the bell cord once I was sitting and went outside the door. I tried, but even then I kept falling back asleep. I would hear him asking if I was all right and I'd wake back up. I don't know how, but I did finally pee and he got me back to bed.

The very next day they sent me home with a small pair of staple removers. A nurse showed me how to remove one but it wasn't time yet. I had to wait a certain number of days to do it.

Toni was watching Tommy and I had no way to get home from the hospital sooooo I took the bus. I had my stuff packed in a backpack and darn it all it was the busy time and I had to stand most of the way. I still had to change buses so there I was waiting on another corner with no place to sit.

How I ever made it home I don't know but I did .


