Tommy did a lot of growing in those four months and I went nutso in my own way recording as many moments in his life as I could.

One day I left him with his father while I went out to the post office to mail some boxes. I came home to this.

At least he put a diaper on the kid. I think they were both asleep. That black rectangle on the wall was a piece of black rubber that was stuck there when we first rented the place. It was still there when we left.

Looks like William Shatner there.

I made him this cute Hawaiian shirt with a matching diaper cover. These little photos were scanned a long time ago. I don't even think I have the originals any more.

The color tones were so much better on these.


Another Hawaiian shirt I made him. I don't think he was impressed.

He didn't like the hat. One day shortly after I'd brought him home from the hospital we went to Honolulu for something. I got off the bus at the gardens thinking I'd walk the rest of the way. One of Tom's buddies saw us and gave us a ride. Tommy got a little sunburn from that.

The big one shows Tommy better but the bottom one has better color. The icky ash tray was ever present.


