The Trucker and The Pitt Stop

When Tommy and I brought Sue back to Argyle from Ohio, he spotted this truck at one of the thruway stops and got excited. I think Sue was too because she started talking to him. He was an old guy and he looked safe but what do I know? If I had it to do over and I knew all the stuff you read in the papers now, I'd probably have been a lot more afraid.

He really was nice and he didn't do anything bad. He even used proper language with no cuss words.

He hoisted the kid up so he could look in his truck. Tommy did love it. Then we all went inside and had a soda pop or an ice cream for Tommy.

He went his way and we went ours.

I know it could have turned out differently.

Mom always warned us about strangers but if you only speak to the ones you know you will never get anywhere or make any friends in this world. You just have to use your head and be careful.

I really think between Sue and I would could have "taken" him if he'd tried any funny stuff.




That's Tommy in our car. We were cleaning it out. We ate while I drove a lot and things got messy. We had to periodically stop and empty it out.


