






Judging by the curtains, I think the last two were taken when she visited me in Ohio but maybe Mom had curtains like that too. I never liked flowery curtains that had big patterns despite all the times when we were little and we picked out the wall paper we'd have in our someday homes. Mine was huge pink roses with bright green leaves. Thank God I never got them.

Sue never thought she was beautiful because no one ever told any of us that. Dad never told anyone he loved them until the last time I saw him. He did say that then. I think he knew he didn't have long because he told us we'd never see him again and we didn't.

I don't remember him ever telling Mom he loved her. He grew up in a family that never showed emotion. Mom grew up in a home where nobody loved her but the half sister that died and maybe her father but he was weak.

Maybe if you grow up without approval and love freely shown you grow up thinking less of yourself because nobody ever told you that you had worth. You even grow up not caring what you look like.


