I'm sure there are a lot more Argyle stories. We were there what seems like a long time and yet, I think we were longer at the Kingsbury Schoolhouse. In some ways life was easier at the schoolhouse but maybe it was because we were younger.

These are some out of order photos. I hope I don't repeat any but I might.

Mom. That looks like a giant beetle sucking her right wrist but its something on the photo not on her. The alien species did not invade Argyle.

I don't know who that guy is but it looks like she does.

I got those things she's wearing in her braids years ago. I bought at least 2 sets of them. They worked great on braids but they were originally made to use to dress up a horse's tail for a parade. Mom is wearing that look that says she's not taking any crap from anyone.

Dad cooking his potatoes. I was pretty sure I remembered this stove as blue and this sure confirms that memory. I do kind of wonder who in the world thought men would like to wear pants like that. I'm pretty sure he didn't get up one morning and say to himself, "I'm going out and buy me a pair of trousers with wide blue stripes on them."

Mom with some kids she took care of for awhile, the little girl on the right is Cathy.

Dad. The black shadow beside him is Bernie. I wonder if he fell asleep smoking that cigar?

I think I took that at a fair because I thought it was pretty unusual and unusually pretty.

I loved the lily finding it way to the sunlight. I think this must have been taken when Dad was laying the foundation, judging by the cement blocks in the background.


