Mom. I remember her looking like this but I don't remember where.
The dolls that Mom made and the piņata's I made. All of these would be sold to my coworkers at the factory.
I sold one of these dolls to a lady for her little girl. Sometime that winter after Christmas the husband was trying to fix the oil heater. He didn't know that much about what he was doing. He told the firemen that he stuck a bent coat hanger up it somewhere and the whole place went up in flames. I'm not sure exactly, but I think only the adults survived and the kids all perished.
Cindy and Vicky when she was little. We sometimes went up there to visit.
Mom with scruffy
Mom in front of her Ford sewing machine. I remember the wall paper which wasn't paper at all but contact paper. You could buy it in rolls of rejects usually at the factory that made it in Fort Edward but some employees would bring home roll and sell them at sales, too. It had a icky smell to it. I didn't like it on the walls because a lot of the time it didn't stick and would sag back down.
When we were in school in Kingsbury we used to cover our school books with it but leave the backing on it. I think it was made at the Decora. At one time there were a lot of mills in Fort Edward. One was the Patrician which made toilet paper. I think there was a Scott paper mill there too.
Finch Pruyn in Glens Falls made typewriter and newsprint paper and later computer paper.
Mom in winter
Mom with a huge bear that I think Tommy's other grand ma made.
Mom probably in bed with a cold. In winter it was so cold there she wore a hat to bed.
Mom at an auction. I thought Dad was in this photo but it must be another one I'm thinking about. They were both addicted to auctions.
Dad is smirking at a photo of took, probably of him and Tommy. He sat there in that window a lot. He got that library table at an auction. He kept his reading material on the shelves. He loved mysteries and Reader's Digest and the Conservationist magazine. He was reading a story that was in Reader's Digest but it was only part one. He wanted me to find him part two and send to him but I never found it.