I'm filling both bathtubs with water in case the water goes off. During Ike it went off for a few hours and then came back on for the rest of it.


That's in the guest room. He's in the shower now and then, I'll fill up the main bathroom tub. We never use it except to store things in because its huge. I tried it once. With my arthritis, it was very difficult to get out of it, especially, when you are wet.

The other tub is filled.

That's dust that was in the tub. I can't reach it.

Its huge, but its a dust collector or a lint collector from towels and paper towels and TP. It gets in the air.

The wooden thing is a rack Al built to hold my water tank with my distilled water for filling the tank in the cpap machine.

I need to get off my butt and fill it.

One thing I forgot to do and I can't do and neither can he, is to put up the plywood covers for the windows.

They are stored in the back of the screened in porch but they are too heavy for me to lift and I'd need to get on a ladder to do it.

Most of the people I know in the neighborhood have gone with only the other old ones here still.

It's officially a catagory 3 now. 2:24 pm Texas time.

